Back in June when I took M8 Bot over from Comixs, my plan was to stabilize Twitch and Mixer announcements and then let folks use him for what they always have. Over time, I've had to do a couple tweaks here and there - but he was always super great, and never had issues. As of late though - we hit some snags. And unfortunately, untangling them will take more time than I have to dedicate to resolving them. Going forward, M8 will no longer announce Mixer or Twitch streams.
However!! Couchbot is very much equipped to do just that. I've ran CouchBot for 3 years now, and he's sturdy, and he's got the blessing of Comixs as M8s announcement replacement. M8 will still continue. His meme / fun / mod commands will still continue to function. I just can't continue letting you guys hang onto the hope that I'll get around to making things 100% functional. I want everyone to have an amazing experience, and can't split my focus between the 2 bots.
In addition to stream announcements, M8 Bot has some commands that are sure to spruce up your
discord! Commands here are shown with the default prefix!
Help for M8 Bot as of 2/7/19
General Bot:
!help - Sends a help message. The commands listed will be based on your permissions, and server config. If you do not have permission, of the proper server config, you will not see some commands.
!ping - Used to test if the bot is listening.
!conf - Allows server owners to view their configuration.
This command can only be run by those who have Administrator permissions in their Discord role.
!conf show - Shows the server's config.
!conf set {setting} {value} - Changes the server's config. {setting} is in place of teh setting name, and {value} is in place of the value you want to set the setting to.
All of these commands can be run by anyone with the set Mod role, or server admins.
The [reason] value is optional in all of these commands.
If a mod log is setup in the server's config, the command is logged in there.
!purge # - Deletes the last # of messages up to 100 at a time.
!warn [@person] [reason] - Sends a warning message to a rule breaker. Saves a copy to
the configured mod log channel. Configured Moderator rank and up.
!kick [@person] [reason] - Kicks the rule breaker from the server. Saves a copy to the
configured mod log channel. Configured Moderator rank and up.
!ban [@person] [reason] - Bans the rule breaker from the server. Saves a copy to the
configured mod log channel. Configured Administrator rank and up.
!mute [time] [@person] [reason] - Mutes the mentioned user. If a time is given (optional), they will be unmuted after that time.
!unmute [@person] [reason] - Unmutes the mentioned user.
!user - Sends you information about the mentioned user (or yourself if no user is mentioned).
!mixer - Gets info about a Mixer user. Usage - !mixer NAME
!twitch - Gets info about a Twitch user. Usage - !twitch NAME
!steam - Gets info about a Steam game. Usage - !steam NAME
!anime - Gets info about an Anime. Usage - !anime NAME
!beautiful [@person] or !painting [@person]
!crush [@person]
!challenger [@person]
!superpunch [@person] or !punch [@person]
!wanted [@person]
!respect [@person]
!batslap [@person] or !slap [@person]
!triggered [@person] or !trigger [@person]
!tattoo [@person]
!stepped [@person]
!steamcard [@person]
!facepalm [@person]
!search [text]
!bobross [@person]
!scare [@person]
!fear [@person]
!waifu [@person]
We are so sorry that there is something wrong with M8 Bot.
The best way to get help is to join our Discord server. Click
here to join, and message a Dev in the #support chat.
Zamasu is a discord bot strictly designed around moderation. It is based on the Dragon Ball Super
character of the same name. In the show, Zamasu is a God who despises mortals, as well as
their existence. I found him to be the perfect character to enforce rules and punish rule
breakers. All of Zamasu's moderation functions can be found in M8 Bot, however, Zamasu will
receive new moderation features first.
Current Features (More to come)
Mod Logging
Invite detection
Banned word filtering
Have a discord account
Have a discord server (or have admin permission on one)
Pick your server from the list, and click "Authorize".
Step 2:
In order to test the bot, simply type "" into any chat where the bot can see it, and
If the bot replies to your message, all is good!
If not, please make sure the bot has proper permissions to chat!
Step 3: Configuring Custom Options (Optional)
At the current moment, the available options are:
prefix - the prefix for all Zamasu commands in your server. The default is "z."
modLogChannel - the channel where moderation actions are logged. The default is "mod-log"
modRole - the role that is allowed to run low-level mod commands. The default
is "Guardian"
adminRole - the role that is allowed to run high-level mod commands. The default
is "Supreme Kai"
systemNotice - this gives a notice when a user tries to run a command that they do
not have permission to use. The default is "true"
welcomeChannel - the channel where welcome messages are sent. Default is "welcome"
welcomeMessage - the message sent in the welcome channel when a new user joins. The
default is "Humans are truly dangerous beings. {{user}}. I will not forget you!"
welcomeEnabled - whether or not the welcomeMessage is enabled. Default is "false"
defaultRole - the default role users are assigned when they join the server. Default
is "Saiyan"
defaultRoleEnabled - whether or not the defaultRole is enabled. Default is "false"
bannedWords - list of banned words, separated with ", ". Default is "Bad_word_here"
Forexample, if you want to ban "wow", "cool" and "Zamasu did nothing wrong",
the list would look like "wow, cool, Zamasu did nothing wrong".
People with the adminRole can bypass this ban.
banInvites - whether or not users are allowed to post discord server invite links.
People with the adminRole can bypass this ban.
spamDetector - Not yet implemented.
In order to view the settings, run z.set
In order to change the settings, run z.set edit <setting> <option>, replacing
<setting> with the setting name, and <option> with the new option.
Settings that are true or false by default must always be either true or false.
Settings that ask for a channel name must be given the channel name without the # symbol,
just the name.
Settings that ask for a role name must be given the role name without the @ symbol, just
the name.
Commands here are shown with the default prefix!
Help for Zamasu as of 2/18/18
z.mylevel - Tells you your permission level for the current message location - Pings the bot
z.stats - Gives some useful bot statistics
z.ban - Bans a mortal (adminRole and up)
z.kick - Kicks a mortal (modRole and up)
z.purge - Deletes messages in bulk (modRole and up)
z.warn - Warns a mortal (modRole and up)
z.config-help - takes you to the help page to set up the bot. - links you to the command list.
z.set - views and edits settings (adminRole and up)
z.changelog - Bot changelog.
Need Help?
We are so sorry that there is something wrong with Zamasu.
The best way to get help is to join our Discord server. Click
here to join, and message a Dev in the #support chat.